Pearl Dental Laboratory Ltd (Gyöngy-Fog Ltd). was established by Mr Lajos Fekete
Master of Dental Techniques with silver wreath and his wife Mrs Fekete, A. Bodócs in 1992.
Mrs Fekete, A. Bodócs |
Mr Lajos Fekete |
Their connection to this headquarters of the company goes back high in the past. This place has not only a present but a history as well.
Lajos Fekete and his wife bought up the dental technique laboratory that was in state ownership during privatization in Hungary after 1989 when companies got into private ownership from state ownership.
This two excellent experts' professional experience and ability to judge characters manifest itself from their work and a lot of diplomas they received after completing different courses - a lot of good connections with excellent doctors and common people who always appreciate their work and human nature.
They have been helping generations of dentists with establishing, developing and expanding their practices for 30 years.
Pearl Dental Laboratory Ltd became a national registered and qualified enterprise in 1994, two years after it had become a privately owned company.
It has been a qualified dental technique laboratory of the German firm called BEGO since 1995.
It has obtained the appreciation of the Institute for Medical and Hospital Engineering of Hungary.
Our colleagues regularly take part in courses organized abroad. On these courses we obtained a lot of certificates on BEGO, ÖGUSSA, VITA and DENTSPLY courses.
We started educating trainees in 2000 to help and support those young people who want to dedicate themselves to dental techniques and to enrich this nice profession and refresh it with new creative artists continuously.
Working together with these people for this company is a great honour for everybody because we do not only work for money but of vocation and to satisfy both our doctors and their patients every time. We establish such a chain through which everybody will develop both from professional and human point of view.