Pearl Dental Laboratory Ltd. - A full service laboratory.
"Our commitment is to make you feel comfortable with your laboratory services
by providing you quality, preciseness, punctuality, technical development
and communication."
Welcome to the homepage of Pearl Dental Laboratory Ltd.!
Thank you for your interest in Our Service. We are pleased to introduce
our Laboratory to you.
Pearl Dental Laboratory Ltd. is a visionary dental laboratory, in Hungary
- in the heart of Europe.
"Pearl Dental Laboratory - Gyöngy-Fog Ltd." was established by
Mr Lajos Fekete, Master of Dental Techniques awarded with silver
wreath and his wife Mrs Fekete, A. Bodócs.
They have been helping generations of dentists with establishing,
developing and expanding their practices for 30 years.
This two excellent experts' professional experience and ability to
judge characters manifest itself from their
career and a lot of diplomas they received after completing different
courses - a lot of good connections with excellent doctors and
everyday people who always appreciate their work and human nature.
Pearl Dental Laboratory has been a dental technique laboratory qualified
by the German firm called BEGO since 1995.
Our team-oriented attitude offers the greatest assurance of standard
quality and attention to individual dentists' needs.
Pearl Dental Laboratory Ltd. is striving to be recognized as a quality
dental laboratory through its commitment to ongoing training in the
newest proven technologies supported by modern equipments and
innovative way of thinking.